YouTube: the prime platform for short films

You’ve made a short film to be proud of, it got some traction at film festivals but what now? Historically once the film festivals were over, so were your 5 minutes of fame. Gaining visibility as a short film producer used to be a difficult task, especially without a sales agent.

Nowadays we are extremely lucky to live in a technological era where there are plenty of online platforms for your masterpiece to be seen. One of the favourites remains to be YouTube, what better than a platform you can use for free with the opportunity to reach such a large audience.

Creating a YouTube channel is easy, just sign into your YouTube account and go to channels. You will then be presented with the option to create your own channel and taken through the necessary steps to setup and verify your account. By setting up a channel you will have one place where all your work is collated. Channels give your fans the opportunity of subscribing so they effectively ‘follow’ your work. Once you have enough of a following, you may be able to monetise your films.

Don’t forget, quality is everything. As YouTube is so popular, it can often be flooded with poor quality films and videos. Make sure you are getting noticed for all the right reasons.


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